Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reunion at Candlehearth Hall

Allysian Liore - Candlehearth Hall, Windhelm

The vendors of the Stone District had already secured their wares and packed up for the evening, the marketplace was empty aside from a lone guard who seemed enthralled by the moss that grew above his head.

The guard paid Ally no mind as she walked by him. As she made her way back to the Inn, all she could think about was The Butcher. She'd swear she'd seen shadows move in the darkness, eyes watching her every movement, figures making their way across the rooftops. She quickened her pace as her heart started to pound in her chest. Was this the right direction? I swear the Inn was this way! The city she thought looked mournfully beautiful during daylight turned ominous after dark.

Ally made her way expeditiously back to Windhelm's main gate, her only sure-fire route to get back to Candlehearth Hall. Ally nodded a greeting to a passing guard who returned the gesture; she could hear the sound of jovial spirits just up ahead. She arrived at Candlehearth Hall and breathed a long sigh of relief.


The inside of the Inn was extremely warm and filled with people standing around enjoying their ale or sitting down to dinner. It was extremely noisy in the Hall’s upper floor where the revelers spent most of their time. Unable to even hear herself think, Ally headed downstairs and had a seat at the bar next to a sharply dressed older man.

The barmaid stepped up to Allysian, “What’ll it be traveler?”

“I need a room for the evening and I was wondering if you serve horker here?” Ally asked.

The barmaid looked her over, “Yeah I have a room available, it’s yours. We serve a fine Horker Stew if you’re interested. Meat’s fresh from the marketplace.”

“Elda, another mug, please,” the man sitting next to Ally interrupted.

“Sure Torbjorn, coming right up,” Elda replied.

“I’ll have the stew thank you, and please let me pay for Torbjorn’s mead,” Ally offered.


“Do I know you, stranger?” asked the man, turning to face Ally with his bloodshot eyes.

“Not yet, but Balimund sends his regards and advised me to ask you for a bit of training.”

“Ah Balimund,” a twinkle returned to the man’s eye, “I haven’t seen that old dog in years. Good man. Good smith. Good drinker. In no particular order,” the man winked at Ally. “I see that piece of steel strapped to your back, Balimund craft that?”

“Yes he did, so far it’s been a life-saver.”

“Looks like fine work, I wouldn’t expect any less. I forgot to thank you for the mead, please move your seat a bit closer so we can chat my dear.”

Ally did as instructed and scooted over next to Torbjorn. He shared with her some offensive and defensive maneuvers as well as just basic strategies for combat. She felt much more confident. Elda, the barmaid kept a close eye on Torbjorn, Ally noticed that Elda was watering down his drinks, he either didn’t catch on or didn’t mind. Ally was happy to pick up the tab for the evening as Torbjorn departed. He left Candlehearth a bit wobbly in the knees, but in good spirits. The Horker Stew was simply divine. Ally promised herself she'd order it again tomorrow.

“He lost his daughter recently,” Elda offered.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear.”

“Yeah, he’s in here every night, pretty much just drinking his sorrows away.”

“I noticed you watering down his drinks.”

“Yeah, as a favor to his daughter. The Butcher did it. He’s still on the loose.” Elda slowly wiped down her countertop. Ally and Elda chatted a bit more, Ally telling Elda about her planned journey in the morning to help Nurelion with the White Phial.

“The White Phial huh? So that's where we're headed?” came a familiar voice behind Ally.

Ally smirked, knowing full well who it was.


Allysian Liore & Marcurio - Windhelm
En Route to Forsaken Cave

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