Thursday, October 4, 2012

Allysian - Who I Am.

Character Name: Allysian Liore
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Imperial
Personality: Broken. Fearful.
Backstory: Greetings. I'm Allysian Liore, despite what you may have heard, I'm innocent. There was a time when I was on top of the world, I had it all. A good trade, decent income, a loving husband, a beautiful daughter. Then one morning I woke up and it was gone. My husband laying in bed next to me, dead. My daughter in the next room, dead. Both by poison. I was unhurt. They say poison is a woman's weapon, but this was not my work. Suspicion immediately fell upon me, the town alchemist. How could they think I was capable of such madness? Nothing else in our home was touched. The windows, unbroken. The locks on the doors, functional. All of our valuables, intact. I was distraught. Depressed. Confused. The people in my town started weaving dark tales about me. Each day the mystery surrounding my family's deaths became more intricate and implicating. I buried myself in my work. In an episode of poor judgement, I left a brazier unattended, my business and home burned to the ground. I lost everything. The innkeeper took me in, within days he heard the guards were looking for me to take me in. He gave me a few septims and told me to make my way to Riften in Skyrim. I've never been to Skyrim before, he said to see his sister Edda, last he heard she was running a small business there.

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