Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hunting the Black-Toes

Allison Liore & Marcurio - Treva's Watch


"Hey you, you that mercenary we hired?" asked the solemn man seated at the fire.

"No, I'm not, but did you need help with something?" Ally asked the man.

"It's my family, the Black-Toes have taken them hostage. They're inside Treva's Watch! Can you help us? We tried an attack, but already lost two of our men," the man pleaded.

"Stalleo, this isn't the mercenary, let them be on their way," said the lone female in their group.

"No, they can help. Please."

Ally looked at Marcurio and agreed to help the man since they had planned to raid Treva's Watch anyway. She promised to keep an eye out for the Stalleo's family and would lower the gate once they were able. Using the escape tunnel that Stalleo had pointed out, the two made quick work of the five bandits inside the tunnel.


The fight inside Treva's Watch was a bit more difficult, but the partners managed to get through more in synch with each other after every skirmish.


They made their way into the prison area, but the cells were empty, there were no signs of Stalleo's family. They did come across some bodies of what looked like farmers, but they were not as Stalleo described. Ally and Marcurio cleared the small fort of all the Black-Toes and made their way out to the courtyard, dispatching the sentries posted outside.


Marcurio pulled the lever allowing Stalleo and his two comrades into the courtyard. Ally greeted the group, but had no good news aside from the fort being cleared. Stalleo offered Ally a spell tome as a reward, but she refused it. Marcurio was more than happy to accept on her behalf. Two bandit camps down, one to go.

With the sun setting, Marcurio advised, it was best that they seek shelter for the night. Ally suggested they stop at Darkwater Crossing. She could update Anneke on her meeting with the Jarl and their progress versus the Black-Toes. Marcurio agreed, begrudgingly, much preferring the warmth and hospitality of The Bee and Barb.

After clearing out Treva's Watch, the two adventurers decided to head off to Darkwater Passing for rest and resupply.

"Is the food any good there?" asked Marcurio, his stomach growling.

"Anneke's a good baker and Tormir made a great lamb stew the last time I was there, hopefully they've got some left, they're not expecting us after all," Ally replied as the two cut through the brush.

"I'm so hungry I'd even eat skeever stew at this point. Hey, what's that?" Marcurio noticed an overturned cart further up the road, its contents strewn about, a man sat near the scene looking distraught.


"Help, please! Bandits raided my cart," said the injured man.

"Are you okay? Are they still here?" inquired Ally, surveying the landscape for any sign of the attackers.

"No, they stole my coins and took off down the road, they've been gone a while, but said they'd be back. If you could just help me to my camp, I think I'll be okay. My camp is nearby in the ruins of Nilheim. Get me there safely and you'll be rewarded," said the man struggling to get to his feet. Marcurio grabbed the man's arm and steadied him. "Thank you, it's just across the bridge and up that hill."

Now upright, the man started making his way up the hill ahead of Ally and Marcurio. Any noticeable injury he may have had seemed to have disappeared.

"We're close now. I can see the camp," said the man. "Wait here, I'll be right back with your reward." Suddenly, the man started sprinting up the hill leaving Ally and Marcurio behind. The two heard a whistle and a group of armed men started charging down the hill towards them.


"Ha! Looks like we got ourselves another fool! Great job, Telrav!" said one of the men.

Marcurio was quick and accurate with his magic, blasting their foes while Ally worked them with her blade. The men fell despite outnumbering Ally and Marcurio. There was no sign of Telrav however.


Suddenly, arrows began raining down on the two, and Ally sprinted up to the hillside above them. Marcurio stayed and fired bolts of lightning up at Telrav, striking him square in the chest just as Ally got there.

They searched the nearby Nilheim ruin, just a simple tower at this point, and found little of value aside from an enchanted piece of iron armor. Ally asked Marcurio if he wanted it, to which he responded, "I am an apprenticed wizard, not a pack mule." They tossed the armor back into the chest they found it in and returned to the road.

Ally and Marucio arrived at Darkwater Crossing late that same evening, Hrefna had already gone to bed unfortunately. The night's meal had also been completely consumed by the camp unaware to save any for unannounced guests. Ally shared some of the food she picked up earlier in the day back in Riften with Marcurio, he was grateful, but still hungry.

As Marcurio jumped at the offer to stay inside Verner and Anneke's farmhouse, Allysian again remained outdoors, more than comfortable sleeping under the stars. Again, in the dead of night, Anneke joined her and chatted next to the warmth of the fire.


Ally re-lived the conversation she had with Jarl Laila Law-Giver to Anneke, along with their discovery of the spider nest inside Fort Greenwall. She also told her about the Black-Toes at Treva's Watch that they had taken care of. Anneke was definitely impressed by the progress that Ally and Marcurio were making, dealing the Black-Toes significant blow after blow. Ally couldn't help but notice the appreciation in Anneke's eyes, but also the remorse, the look of a life left behind.

Anneke finally decided to turn in for the night, as did Ally. Ally slept soundly on the makeshift hay matress, the breeze that blew off the river keeping her cool until she was awakened by Sondas, the dark elf miner.

"Allysian. Allysian, please, I have a request, it is urgent," he said, shaking her shoulder gently.

Through sleepy eyes, Ally glanced up at the red-eyed face looking down on her. "Sondas, what is it my friend?"

"I overheard that you and your friend are heading to Uttering Hills Cave? That is near Windhelm, I need something from there urgently," he asked, sorrow written on his face.

Ally sat up to give the Dunmer her full attention. "What's the matter?"


"It's Anneke, she's been displaying signs of Crackrock Disease. She's too stubborn to get help, Verner doesn't believe there's anything wrong with her. But I've seen it before, her symptoms are there."

"Crackro-- what?"

"Crackrock Disease. It's an illness that's somewhat common to miners. When you spend all day in the mines, you inhale a lot of minerals into your lungs, oftentimes this causes infection. She looks okay now, but last week she was bed-ridden, feverish, nauseous, coughing non-stop. There's also a rash that's started on her back. She's been trying to hide it, but I happened to notice it while she bathed in the river. She needs help."

Ally, although an experienced alchemist, had never heard of such a disease, but took Sondas' concern to heart. Granted, Ally had not treated many miners in her time. Perhaps Anneke's body had killed off the infection, but chances were high that the next strain could be more resilient. I have to help.

"In Windhelm, there is a shop called The White Phial," continued Sondas, "go see Nurelion, he'll be able to brew a cure for her."

Ally agreed and started gathering her things as the camp started springing to life. Daybreak.

Allysian Liore & Marcurio
En Route to Uttering Hills Cave & Windhelm

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