Thursday, October 4, 2012

Parting Ways

Allysian Liore & Marcurio
Uttering Hills Cave


"With three beers down, the Orc did frown, and bid the Elf goodbye. For none could know 'twas not for show, and someone had to die." the bandit laughed, reveling in his cleverness, not noticing the two adventurers approaching on foot.

"This is the place," whispered Marcurio.

"Looks easy enough, just the one tone-deaf bandit with the bow," Ally answered, peering through the snowberry bushes.

"No, there's two, over by the door is another one," pointed out the Mage. "He looks like he's falling asleep though. These two won't be any problem, let's go." Marcurio led the charge incinerating the tone-deaf archer while Ally made quick work of the bandit at the door.


Ally and Marcurio entered the hideout, greeted by a cold wind. Marcurio's growling stomach broke the silence.

"Sorry," he replied sheepishly, covering his grumbling belly with his hands.


Ally just gave him a look as the two continued deeper into the cave-like bandit camp. Two more inattentive bandits stood in their way, still wiping the sleep out of their eyes. Ally took care of both of them with her greatsword. These early morning raids have proven to be most opportune. The bandits were still groggy, many of them still reeking of alcohol from the night before.


Four, five, six more bandits fell to blade and spell equally. Ally gaining more and more confidence with each skirmish. Marcurio still took the time to loot each and every corpse, promising Ally that they would split the spoils once they reached Windhelm. Ally didn't care for stealing a dead man's belongings, but her honor wasn't going to buy her a room and a day's worth of food. Begrudgingly, she agreed so long as Marcurio did the digging.

"Hey look, this one's got a really nice garnet, I'll have to see Mades--" Marcurio was violently interrupted by the warhammer of one final bandit. He was larger than the others and more heavily armored. Marcurio took a step back reeling under the heavy blow, but thankful his flesh spell had held. Ally charged in, greatsword at the ready and attacked. The Black-Toe Chief parry the attacks and countered with his own. Ally took a blow to the ribs and had to retreat, sheathing her greatsword and drawing her dagger, a healing spell ready in her left hand. Calling upon the power of Aetherius, Ally cast her restoration magick and was ready to continue the fight.

The Black-Toe chased Marcurio around the small room, swinging wildly with his warhammer. Ally was able to catch up and slash at the man's backside. The chief turned around to face her, his hammer in a defensive posture. Ally butted the man's face with the pommel of her sword, breaking his nose. Instinctively, the man dropped his weapon and covered his nose, Ally delivered the final blow with a chop to the neck.


Marcurio staggered back into the room, his strength withered from the battle. He leaned on the wall for support. "So, is that it? The last of the Black-Toes?" he asked, motioning to Ally to follow him.

"I hope so. We'll stop by and speak to Jarl Laila if she knows of any other camps, but judging by the strength of that guy," Ally motioned to the corpse with her head, "I hope that's the end."

"Ally, come, I found something," Marcurio beckoned to Ally. Ally followed him down the hall and into the next room. Marcurio was seated at the table, a feast of foods set before him. "Looks like we interrupted their breakfast. Have a seat."


Ally took a seat across from her partner and helped herself to some water and a bit of eidar cheese. Marcurio, still hungry from the night before ate the rest. It was a nice breather for the two of them, they sat for a while planning out their paths before setting off to Windhelm.


"I'm not going," the mage argued.

"Is the pay and spoils not good enough for you?" Ally responded.

"I can't spend what I earn if I'm dead."

"Marcurio, what happened to your sense of adventure? Your sense of wonder?"

"Look, I don't want to admit it, but that bandit chief really shook me up. When I saw that hammer coming down on me, I thought I was dead."

"But you're not. We make a great team, you and I. Please come with me to Windhelm, after we deliver Sondas' message to the White Phial and I visit Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, we'll go back to Riften, promise," Ally countered.

Marcurio sighed, "I'll take you over the next hill and point on Windhelm, but after that, I'm going to head home. Talen-Jei's got a fresh keg of Velvet LeChance with my name on it."

Allysian could tell she wasn't getting anywhere with the man, so she agreed. "Fine, please be safe on the road home. I may call upon you to help me again in the future."

The two companions headed away from Uttering Hills Cave and towards Windhelm.


"There, you can see the Palace of the Kings, just down this hill and follow the road, you can't miss it," Marcurio pointed out.

"Thank you Marcurio. You've been a tremendous help, I will miss your stories." Ally hugged Marcurio, perhaps a little longer than he felt comfortable.

"Best of luck to you Allysian Liore," with that Marcurio was gone. Ally continued down the path that Marcurio had shown her.

The walk was soothing, but Ally certainly missed Marcurio's banter. The brash mage seemed to know everything about everything. From hunting trails, to Nordic history, he just never stopped talking. He even debated with Ally about the usefulness of certain alchemical ingredients. It's only been an hour since they parted and it certainly felt like longer. She continued along the road crossing a bridge and noticing a commotion between two men and a woman, all three of them the dark skinned Redguards.


The men looked up and spotted Ally, stepped away from the woman, who was nearly in tears, as Ally approached. "What's the matter?" Ally asked the shaken woman.

"These two Alik'r, they mistook me for another Redguard woman. I guess she's wanted for something," replied the woman.

"Yes, she's wanted in Hammerfell for treason. If you happen to see her, let us know, we'll be in Rorikstead, there's a sizable reward for her capture," one of the two men growled. With that, they left headed towards Windhelm.

Ally double-checked with the woman to make sure she was okay, she assured Ally that she was and gathered her things. Ally offered her an escort to Windhelm, but the woman refused, stating that she had just come from there. The woman set off in the direction that Ally had come from.

As Ally approached Windhelm, all of the history lessons that Marcurio had told her started coming back to her. Capital city of Eastmarch. Palace of the Kings. Grieving Ysgramor, dead Yngol. Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak. Frequent blizzards. Free worship of Talos. Dark Elf refuge. Xenophobic community.


She made her way over the expansive bridge, halted at the gate by the guards. Ally asked the guards about accommodations and for directions to the White Phial. The two guards were in agreement that Candlehearth Hall would suit Ally just fine and that The White Phial could be located in the Stone Quarter.

The guards opened the gates for her and Ally immediately headed to The White Phial to deliver Sondas' note.

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